

/ 10
61% relevante25 de mai. de 1980Drama, Cinema TV

3 hr 30 min

Elenco principal

Derek Jacobi
Derek JacobiHamlet
Claire Bloom
Claire BloomGertrude
Patrick Stewart
Patrick StewartClaudius
Eric Porter
Eric PorterPolonius
Lalla Ward
Lalla WardOphelia
David Robb
David RobbLaertes
Robert Swann
Robert SwannHoratio
Patrick Allen
Patrick AllenGhost of Hamlet's Father
Emrys James
Emrys JamesPlayer King
Jason Kemp
Jason KempPlayer Queen
Geoffrey Beevers
Geoffrey BeeversThird Player / Lucianus
Bill Homewood
Bill HomewoodPlayer King in the mime
Peter Richard
Peter RichardPlayer Queen in the mime
Terence McGinity
Terence McGinityPlayer Lucianus in the mime
Peter Burroughs
Peter BurroughsPlayer
Stuart Fell
Stuart FellPlayer
Ian Charleson
Ian CharlesonFortinbras
Tim Wylton
Tim WyltonFirst Gravedigger
