Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II

Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II

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Aprenda diretamente com a equipe da Naughty Dog sobre o que foi necessário para dar vida à aclamada sequência The Last of Us Part II, com uma nova visão dos bastidores do desenvolvimento.

79% relevante2 de fev. de 2024Documentário

2 hr 1 min

Elenco principal

Neil Druckmann
Neil DruckmannSelf - Director, Co-Writer, Vice President
Kurt Margenau
Kurt MargenauSelf - Co-Game Director
Anthony Newman
Anthony NewmanSelf - Co-Game Director
Ashley Johnson
Ashley JohnsonSelf - Voice & Motion Capture - 'Ellie'
Emilia Schatz
Emilia SchatzSelf - Lead Game Designer
Shawn Layden
Shawn LaydenSelf - President and CEO, SCEA
Halley Wegryn Gross
Halley Wegryn GrossSelf - Narrative Lead / Co-Writer
Troy Baker
Troy BakerSelf - Voice & Motion Capture - 'Joel'
Joe Pettinati
Joe PettinatiSelf - Lead Editor
Izzy Fiacco
Izzy FiaccoSelf - Game Designer
Arnaldo Licea
Arnaldo LiceaSelf - Game Designer
Patrick Goss
Patrick GossSelf - Lead Quality Assurance Tester
Rob Krekel
Rob KrekelSelf - Lead Audio
Christian Gyrling
Christian GyrlingSelf - Programming Director
Waylon Brinck
Waylon BrinckSelf - Technical Art Direction
Sandeep Shekar
Sandeep ShekarSelf - Lead Programmer
Travis McIntosh
Travis McIntoshSelf - Programming Director
Eben Cook
Eben CookSelf - Lead Visual Effects Artist
