Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile

Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile

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60% relevante23 de abr. de 2024Documentário

1 hr 5 min

Elenco principal

Gary Glitter
Gary GlitterSelf (archive footage)
Paul Cheston
Paul ChestonSelf - Court Reporter
Keith Gildart
Keith GildartSelf - Professor of Social History
Sally James
Sally JamesSelf - TV Presenter
Garry Johnson
Garry JohnsonSelf - Music Journalist
Debi Jones
Debi JonesSelf - TV Presenter
Iain Lee
Iain LeeSelf - Broadcaster
John Price
John PriceSelf - Prosecution Counsel
Richard Scorer
Richard ScorerSelf - Lawyer
Mu Sochua
Mu SochuaSelf - Cambodian Government Minister
Nick Ysenburg
Nick YsenburgSelf - Photographer
Jimmy Savile
Jimmy SavileSelf (archive footage)
