The Necro Files

The Necro Files

/ 10
45% relevante17 de set. de 1997Terror, Comédia

1 hr 13 min

Elenco principal

Isaac Cooper
Isaac CooperLogan / Zombie Sex Fiend / That Scumbag Garcia
Steve Sheppard
Steve SheppardDetective Martin Manners (as Steven Sheppard)
Gary Browning
Gary BrowningDetective Orville Sloane
Christian Curmudgeon
Christian CurmudgeonJack
Jason McGee
Jason McGeeBarney
Theresa Bestul
Theresa BestulShower girl
Dru Berrymore
Dru BerrymoreCamping Girl (as Drew Burymore)
Jenn O. Cide
Jenn O. CideS&M Amazon
Anne R. Key
Anne R. KeyDoll lover
Jonas Arke
Jonas ArkeFan man
Jeff Nelson
Jeff NelsonBondage Boy
Matt Jaissle
Matt JaissleFrank (Police Dispatch V.O.)
Dora Taggart
Dora TaggartMaggie
Todd Tjersland
Todd TjerslandThe Lord of the Satanites
"Scary" Larry Gygax
"Scary" Larry GygaxSatanite
David Bramwell
David BramwellSatanite
Sak Cameron
Sak CameronSatanite
Todd F. Baker
Todd F. BakerSatanite
