The Last of the Fast Guns

The Last of the Fast Guns

/ 10
52% relevante1 de jul. de 1958Faroeste

1 hr 22 min

Elenco principal

Jock Mahoney
Jock MahoneyBrad Ellison
Gilbert Roland
Gilbert RolandMiles Lang
Linda Cristal
Linda CristalMaria O'Reilly
Eduard Franz
Eduard FranzPadre Jose
Lorne Greene
Lorne GreeneMichael O'Reilly
Carl Benton Reid
Carl Benton ReidJohn Forbes
Edward Platt
Edward PlattSam Grypton
Eduardo Noriega
Eduardo NoriegaCordoba
Jorge Treviño
Jorge TreviñoManuel
Rafael Alcayde
Rafael AlcaydeAlcade
Lee Morgan
Lee MorganJohnny Ringo
Milton Bernstein
Milton BernsteinJames Younger
Stillman Segar
Stillman SegarBen Thompson
José Chávez
José ChávezJose Garcia
Francisco Reiguera
Francisco ReigueraPablo
Richard H. Cutting
Richard H. CuttingSheriff
Ralph Neff
Ralph NeffBartender
