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Приступить к ликвидации

/ 10
48% relevante12 de mar. de 1983Drama, Ação, Crime

2 hr 12 min

Elenco principal

Олег Стриженов
Олег СтриженовIvan Alexandrovich Danilov, police colonel, head of the department for combating banditry
Михаил Жигалов
Михаил ЖигаловMikhail Nikitin, employee of the department for combating banditry
Василий Лановой
Василий ЛановойColonel Vadim Gavrilovich Chistyakov, pilot, aka Altunin, captain of aviation
Георгий Юматов
Георгий ЮматовSerebrovsky, Head of the Main Directorate for the Fight against Banditry, Colonel of State Security
Александр Филиппенко
Александр ФилиппенкоAndrey Dmitrievich Blinov, “Smoked”, “thief in law”
Александр Галибин
Александр ГалибинStepan Kazimirovich Burkovsky, "Kuzima"
Владимир Смирнов
Владимир СмирновVasily Andreevich Sokolov precinct
Николай Волков
Николай Волковpoliceman
Valery Voytyuk
Valery VoytyukSergey Belov, Senior Lieutenant of the Anti-Bandit Department
Nadezhda Butyrtseva
Nadezhda ButyrtsevaLarisa Anatolyevna, singer, friend Altunina
Olga Sirina
Olga SirinaZoya Litovskaya
Владимир Гусев
Владимир ГусевValka "Cross", a raider from Tula
Leonid Belozorovich
Leonid BelozorovichTokmakov
Arthur Nishchenkin
Arthur NishchenkinTutyk, the postman, accomplice and coherent gang of Boleslav Kruk
Дмитрий Орловский
Дмитрий ОрловскийChernyshev, investigator of the prosecutor's office
Виктор Шульгин
Виктор ШульгинPavel Petrovich Odintsov, police colonel
Иван Косых
Иван КосыхLobanov
Александр Пашутин
Александр ПашутинPlatonov, head of the police department
