Le Septième Juré

Le Septième Juré

/ 10
69% relevante18 de abr. de 1962Thriller, Crime, Drama

1 hr 45 min

Elenco principal

Bernard Blier
Bernard BlierGrégoire Duval, pharmacist
Maurice Biraud
Maurice BiraudDoctor Hess, veterinarian
Francis Blanche
Francis BlancheAttorney General
Danièle Delorme
Danièle DelormeGeneviève Duval, Grégoire's wife
Jacques Riberolles
Jacques RiberollesSylvain Sautral, photographer and accused
Yves Barsacq
Yves BarsacqMaître Adreux, defense lawyer
Henri Crémieux
Henri CrémieuxMedical examiner
Robert Dalban
Robert DalbanGarampon, fisherman on his boat
Anne Doat
Anne DoatAlice Moreux, Sylvain's mistress
Madeleine Geoffroy
Madeleine GeoffroyMrs. Sevestrain, witness at the hearing
Françoise Giret
Françoise GiretCatherine Nortier, the victim
Camille Guérini
Camille GuériniPresident of the tribunal
Charles Lavialle
Charles LavialleTax collector
Paloma Matta
Paloma MattaDaughter of Gregory and Genevieve
Raymond Meunier
Raymond MeunierHenri Souchon, boss of the brewery
Catherine Le Couey
Catherine Le CoueyMrs. Souchon, boss of the brasserie
Jacques Monod
Jacques MonodInvestigating judge
Jean-Pierre Moutier
Jean-Pierre MoutierAlbert Testut, witness at the hearing
