The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

/ 10
68% relevante14 de ago. de 2008Aventura, Comédia, Fantasia

1 hr 45 min

Elenco principal

Nathan Rice
Nathan RiceKevin Lodge / Sir Osric
Carol Roscoe
Carol RoscoeDaphne / Joanna
Brian S. Lewis
Brian S. LewisCass / Brother Silence / Rennard
Scott C. Brown
Scott C. BrownLeo / Flynn / Turk
Christian Doyle
Christian DoyleGary / Luster / Fastidian / Undead Fastinian
Jennifer Page
Jennifer PageLuster (female) / Professor
Geoff Gibbs
Geoff GibbsMort Kemnon
Ed Gibbs
Ed GibbsHierophant
Don Early
Don EarlyMort Agrippa / Mummy #1 / Goblin
Sean K. Reynolds
Sean K. ReynoldsInquisitor
Chris Duppenthaler
Chris DuppenthalerMark
Julia Vancil
Julia VancilGoblin Queen
Steve Wolbrecht
Steve WolbrechtNodwick / Voice of Drazuul
Emily Olson
Emily OlsonTherin
John Frank Rosenblum
John Frank RosenblumKing Erasamus the Randomly Biased
