3:15 the Moment of Truth

3:15 the Moment of Truth

/ 10
57% relevante31 de jan. de 1986Ação, Crime, Thriller

1 hr 26 min

Elenco principal

Adam Baldwin
Adam BaldwinJeff Hannah
Jesse Aragon
Jesse AragonSmiley
René Auberjonois
René AuberjonoisHorner
Wendy Barry
Wendy BarryLora
Bradford Bancroft
Bradford BancroftWhitey
Joseph Brutsman
Joseph BrutsmanNorman
John Scott Clough
John Scott CloughJim
Wayne Crawford
Wayne CrawfordDraper
Danny De La Paz
Danny De La PazCinco
Lori Eastside
Lori EastsidePatch
Jeb Ellis-Brown
Jeb Ellis-BrownPonch
Deborah Foreman
Deborah ForemanSherry Havilland
Panchito Gómez
Panchito GómezChooch
Nancy Locke
Nancy LockeMrs. Havilland
Ed Lauter
Ed LauterMoran
Mario Van Peebles
Mario Van PeeblesWhisperer
Gina Gershon
Gina GershonCobrettes
Wings Hauser
Wings HauserMr. Havilland (uncredited)
