VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical Media

VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical Media

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Este documentário explora a ascensão e o declínio da mídia física e seu efeito sobre os filmes independentes, cult e B, desde a origem dos filmes caseiros até a era das locadoras. Com participação de ícones como Joe Bob Briggs, Lloyd Kaufman, Greg Sestero, Debbie Rochon e Deborah Reed.

53% relevante20 de jun. de 2016Documentário

1 hr 12 min

Elenco principal

Lloyd Kaufman
Lloyd KaufmanSelf
Ellen Muth
Ellen MuthSelf (archive footage)
Juliette Danielle
Juliette DanielleSelf
Greg Sestero
Greg SesteroSelf
Debbie Rochon
Debbie RochonSelf
Deborah Reed
Deborah ReedSelf
Phil Hall
Phil HallSelf (scenes deleted)
Mark Frazer
Mark FrazerSelf
John Bloom
John BloomSelf [Joe Bob Briggs from Drive-in Theater]
James Nguyen
James NguyenSelf
Mike Aransky
Mike AranskySelf
Alan Bagh
Alan BaghSelf
Troy Bernier
Troy Bernier(archive footage)
Dick Boland
Dick BolandSelf
Ron Bonk
Ron BonkSelf
Carmine Capobianco
Carmine CapobiancoSelf
Chris Ferry
Chris FerrySelf
Nicola Fiore
Nicola FioreSelf (archive footage)
