Police Rescue: The Movie

Police Rescue: The Movie

/ 10
55% relevante16 de mar. de 1994Ação, Crime

1 hr 34 min

Elenco principal

Gary Sweet
Gary SweetSgt. Steve 'Mickey' McClintock
Zoe Carides
Zoe CaridesConst. Lorrie 'Flash' Gordon
Steve Bastoni
Steve BastoniConst. Yianns 'Angel' Angeloupulos
Jeremy Sims
Jeremy SimsTerry
Tammy Macintosh
Tammy MacintoshConst. Kathy Orland
Cate Blanchett
Cate BlanchettVivian
Sonia Todd
Sonia ToddSgt. Georgia Rattray
Jeremy Callaghan
Jeremy CallaghanConst. Brian Morley
Belinda Cotterill
Belinda CotterillSharyn Elliott
Rel Hunt
Rel HuntHugo
Damien Foley
Damien FoleyAlex
Nash Edgerton
Nash EdgertonAlex's Friend
John Clayton
John ClaytonInsp. Bill Adams
Steve Cox
Steve CoxInjured Fisherman
Tony Lynch
Tony LynchJody
Alan David Lee
Alan David LeeSimmo
Richard Boué
Richard BouéTrainee
Gillian Statham
Gillian StathamTrainee
