The Black Knight

The Black Knight

/ 10
62% relevante26 de ago. de 1954Ação, Aventura

1 hr 25 min

Elenco principal

Alan Ladd
Alan LaddJohn
Patricia Medina
Patricia MedinaLinet
André Morell
André MorellSir Ontzlake
Harry Andrews
Harry AndrewsEarl Of Yeonil
Peter Cushing
Peter CushingSir Palamides
Anthony Bushell
Anthony BushellKing Arthur
Laurence Naismith
Laurence NaismithMajor Domo
Patrick Troughton
Patrick TroughtonKing Mark
Bill Brandon
Bill BrandonBernard
Ronald Adam
Ronald AdamThe Abbot
Basil Appleby
Basil ApplebySir Hal
Tommy Moore
Tommy MooreThe Apprentice
Jean Lodge
Jean LodgeQueen Guenevere
Pauline Jameson
Pauline JamesonLady Yeonil
John Kelly
John KellyThe Woodchopper
John Laurie
John LaurieJames
Olwen Brookes
Olwen BrookesLady Ontzlake
David Paltenghi
David PaltenghiHigh Priest
