Murders in the Zoo

Murders in the Zoo

/ 10
58% relevante31 de mar. de 1933Crime, Terror

1 hr 2 min

Elenco principal

Charles Ruggles
Charles RugglesPeter Yates
Lionel Atwill
Lionel AtwillEric Gorman
Gail Patrick
Gail PatrickJerry Evans
Randolph Scott
Randolph ScottJack Woodford
John Lodge
John LodgeRoger Hewitt
Kathleen Burke
Kathleen BurkeEvelyn Gorman
Harry Beresford
Harry BeresfordG.A. Evans
Jane Darwell
Jane DarwellBanquet Guest (uncredited)
Nancy Crowley
Nancy CrowleyLittle Girl at the Zoo (Uncredited)
Samuel S. Hinds
Samuel S. HindsBanquet Guest (Uncredited)
Carmencita Johnson
Carmencita JohnsonLittle Girl at the Zoo (Uncredited)
Ethan Laidlaw
Ethan LaidlawPoliceman Reardon (Uncredited)
Howard Leeds
Howard LeedsTelegraph Messenger (Uncredited)
Edward McWade
Edward McWadeDan Baker (Uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Bert MoorhouseApartment Desk Clerk (Uncredited)
Edward Pawley
Edward PawleyBob Taylor (Uncredited)
Lee Phelps
Lee PhelpsBanquet Photographer / Zoo Guard (Uncredited)
Cyril Ring
Cyril RingBanquet Guest (Uncredited)
