Murder of a President

Murder of a President

/ 10
76% relevante2 de fev. de 2016Documentário

1 hr 54 min

Elenco principal

David Bowles
David BowlesWaiter
James Eckhouse
James EckhouseDr. Doctor Willard Bliss
Kathryn Erbe
Kathryn ErbeLucretia Garfield
Ladislav Gergel
Ladislav GergelJim Garfield
Shuler Hensley
Shuler HensleyJames Garfield
Logan Hillier
Logan HillierDr. Reyburn
John Hutton
John HuttonJames Blaine
Will Janowitz
Will JanowitzCharles Guiteau
Josef Karas
Josef KarasConkling's Valet
Adam LeFevre
Adam LeFevreChester Arthur
Sean Mahon
Sean MahonRoscoe Conkling
Michael Murphy
Michael MurphyNarrator
Ted Otis
Ted OtisReporter
Daniel Pearce
Daniel PearceSilas Boynton
Karina Rchichev
Karina RchichevMary 'Mollie' Garfield
Dan Rowland
Dan RowlandHarry Garfield
Joe Weintraub
Joe WeintraubJoseph Stanley Brown
