Wiener Staatsballett: The Nutcracker
3.6 / 10
50% relevante29 de set. de 2014Música, Fantasia
1 hr 42 min
Elenco principal
Liudmila KonovalovaClara
Vladimir ShishovDrosselmeyer / The Prince
Emilia BaranowiczLuisa / Spanish Dance
Davide DatoFritz / Spanish Dance
Gabor ObereggerThe Father / Russian Dance
Franziska Wallner-HollinekThe Mother / Russian Dance
Christoph WenzelThe Grandfather / Arabian Dance
Eva PolacekThe Grandmother / Arabian Dance
Atilla BakóThe Rat King
Martin WinterThe Rat King
Trevor HaydenLittle Nutcracker
Alena KlochkovaTwo Snowflakes
Prisca ZeiselTwo Snowflakes
Ketevan PapavaArabian Dance
Eno PeciArabian Dance
Marcin DempcChinese Dance
András LukácsChinese Dance
Richard SzasbóChinese Dance