The 44th President: In His Own Words

The 44th President: In His Own Words

/ 10
60% relevante15 de jan. de 2017Cinema TV, Documentário

1 hr 26 min

Elenco principal

Barack Obama
Barack ObamaSelf
Joe Biden
Joe BidenSelf
John Kerry
John KerrySelf
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy PelosiSelf
Rand Paul
Rand PaulSelf
Valerie Jarrett
Valerie JarrettSelf
Rahm Emanuel
Rahm EmanuelSelf
David Axelrod
David AxelrodSelf
Mitch McConnell
Mitch McConnellSelf
Jon Favreau
Jon FavreauSelf
Eric Holder
Eric HolderSelf
Timothy Geithner
Timothy GeithnerSelf
Eric Cantor
Eric CantorSelf
Richard Lugar
Richard LugarSelf
Jeffrey Goldberg
Jeffrey GoldbergSelf
Eddie S. Glaude
Eddie S. GlaudeSelf
Christi Parsons
Christi ParsonsSelf
Steven Bucci
Steven BucciSelf
