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Curta-metragem surrealista do cineasta francês René Clair

70% relevante4 de dez. de 1924Comédia, Fantasia

22 min

Elenco principal

Jean Börlin
Jean BörlinHunter / Magician
Inge Frïss
Inge FrïssBearded ballet dancer
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel DuchampChess player, black set
Man Ray
Man RayChess player, white set
Francis Picabia
Francis PicabiaA man loading the cannon
Darius Milhaud
Darius Milhaud
Marcel Achard
Marcel AchardA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Georges Auric
Georges AuricA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Georges Charensol
Georges CharensolA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Georges Lacombe
Georges LacombeA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Roger Le Bon
Roger Le BonA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Jean Mamy
Jean MamyA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Rolf de Maré
Rolf de MaréA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Erik Satie
Erik SatieA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Pierre Scize
Pierre ScizeA man following the hearse (uncredited)
Louis Touchages
Louis TouchagesA man following the hearse (uncredited)
