Sunset Serenade

Sunset Serenade

/ 10
55% relevante14 de set. de 1942Ação, Faroeste

1 hr

Elenco principal

Roy Rogers
Roy RogersRoy Rogers
George 'Gabby' Hayes
George 'Gabby' HayesGabby
Bob Nolan
Bob NolanBob
Helen Parrish
Helen ParrishSylvia Clark
Onslow Stevens
Onslow StevensGregg Jackson
Joan Woodbury
Joan WoodburyVera Martin
Frank M. Thomas
Frank M. ThomasClifford Sheldon
Roy Barcroft
Roy BarcroftBart Reynolds - Henchman
Jack Kirk
Jack KirkSheriff Praskins
Pat Brady
Pat BradyPat Brady - Member, Sons of the Pioneers
Lynton Brent
Lynton BrentAntlers Hotel Clerk
Fred Burns
Fred BurnsLangdon
Budd Buster
Budd BusterMartin Cowhand
Steve Clark
Steve ClarkParty Guest
Curley Dresden
Curley DresdenParty Guest
Frank Ellis
Frank EllisParty Guest
Hugh Farr
Hugh FarrBass Player - Sons of the Pioneers
Karl Farr
Karl FarrGuitar Player - Sons of the Pioneers
