Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin

Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin

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78% relevante11 de jun. de 2018Documentário, Animação

1 hr 7 min

Elenco principal

Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le GuinSelf - Writer
Jean T. Kroeber
Jean T. KroeberSelf - Le Guin's Sister-in-law
Julie Phillips
Julie PhillipsSelf - Le Guin's Biographer
Theodore Downes-Le Guin
Theodore Downes-Le GuinSelf - Le Guin's Son
Elisabeth Le Guin
Elisabeth Le GuinSelf - Le Guin's Daughter
Charles A. Le Guin
Charles A. Le GuinSelf - Le Guin's Husband
Samuel R. Delany
Samuel R. DelanySelf - Writer
David Mitchell
David MitchellSelf - Writer
Annalee Newitz
Annalee NewitzSelf - Writer
Neil Gaiman
Neil GaimanSelf - Writer
Michael Chabon
Michael ChabonSelf - Writer
James Clifford
James CliffordSelf - Historian
Karen Biestman
Karen BiestmanSelf - Stanford NACC Director
Adrienne Maree Brown
Adrienne Maree BrownSelf - Writer
China Miéville
China MiévilleSelf - Writer
Theodora Goss
Theodora GossSelf - Writer
Margaret Atwood
Margaret AtwoodSelf - Writer
Vonda N. McIntyre
Vonda N. McIntyreSelf - Writer
