The Beginning: Making Episode I

The Beginning: Making Episode I

/ 10
73% relevante16 de out. de 2001Documentário

1 hr 6 min

Elenco principal

George Lucas
George LucasSelf
Jake Lloyd
Jake LloydSelf
Steven Spielberg
Steven SpielbergSelf
Ewan McGregor
Ewan McGregorSelf
Ahmed Best
Ahmed BestSelf
Rick McCallum
Rick McCallumSelf
Pernilla August
Pernilla AugustSelf
Ray Park
Ray ParkSelf
Ian McDiarmid
Ian McDiarmidSelf
Liam Neeson
Liam NeesonSelf
John Fensom
John FensomSelf
Frank Oz
Frank OzSelf
John Williams
John WilliamsSelf
Doug Chiang
Doug ChiangSelf
Lewis Macleod
Lewis MacleodSelf
Natalie Portman
Natalie PortmanSelf
