Ringers: Lord of the Fans

Ringers: Lord of the Fans

/ 10
63% relevante21 de jan. de 2005Documentário

1 hr 37 min

Elenco principal

Dominic Monaghan
Dominic MonaghanSelf - Narrator
Peter Jackson
Peter JacksonSelf
Elijah Wood
Elijah WoodSelf
Viggo Mortensen
Viggo MortensenSelf
Ian McKellen
Ian McKellenSelf
Andy Serkis
Andy SerkisSelf
Orlando Bloom
Orlando BloomSelf
Sean Astin
Sean AstinSelf
John Rhys-Davies
John Rhys-DaviesSelf
Liv Tyler
Liv TylerSelf
Billy Boyd
Billy BoydSelf
Sala Baker
Sala BakerSelf
David Carradine
David CarradineSelf
Clive Barker
Clive BarkerSelf
John Noble
John NobleSelf
Philippa Boyens
Philippa BoyensSelf
Barrie M. Osborne
Barrie M. OsborneSelf
Lemmy Kilmister
Lemmy KilmisterSelf
