Star Trek: The Next Generation - Unification

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Unification

/ 10
60% relevante27 de fev. de 1995Ficção científica

1 hr 26 min

Elenco principal

Patrick Stewart
Patrick StewartCapt. Jean-Luc Picard (archive footage)
Jonathan Frakes
Jonathan FrakesCmdr. William Riker (archive footage)
LeVar Burton
LeVar BurtonLt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge (archive footage)
Michael Dorn
Michael DornLt. Worf (archive footage)
Gates McFadden
Gates McFaddenDr. Beverly Crusher (archive footage)
Marina Sirtis
Marina SirtisCounselor Deanna Troi (archive footage)
Brent Spiner
Brent SpinerLt. Cmdr. Data (archive footage)
Leonard Nimoy
Leonard NimoySpock (archive footage)
Joanna Miles
Joanna MilesPerrin (archive footage)
Mark Lenard
Mark LenardSarek (archive footage)
Majel Barrett
Majel BarrettEnterprise Computer (voice) (archive footage)
