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60% relevante18 de out. de 1957Drama
1 hr 55 min
Elenco principal

Gérard PhilipeOctave Mouret, ambitious provincial

Dany CarrelBerthe Josserand, the youngest daughter

Danielle DarrieuxCaroline Hédouin, boss of “Au Bonheur des Dames”

Jacques DubyAuguste Vabre, second son of the owner of the building

Jane MarkenEléonore Josserand, the mother

Olivier HussenotJoseph Josserand, the father

Henri VilbertNarcisse Bachelard, brother of Eléonore

Jean BrochardMr. Duveyrier, former attorney general

Danielle DumontHortense Josserand, the eldest daughter

Anouk AiméeMarie Pichon, young mother with a pram
George CusinAchille Compardon, architect and lover of Gasparine

Claude NollierClotilde Duveyrier, prosecutor's wife

Jacques GrelloThéophile Vabre, the eldest son, husband of Valérie

Van DoudeHector Trublot, young friend of Narcisse

Michèle GrellierFanny, Miss Menu's niece and Narcisse's mistress

Gaston JacquetHippolyte Vabre, the father, owner of the building

Denise GenceLisa, Compardon's servant

Alexandre RignaultGourd, building's concierge