My Way: The Life and Legacy of Pat Patterson
/ 10
90% relevante24 de jan. de 2021Documentário
57 min
Elenco principal

Pat PattersonPat Patterson

Dwayne JohnsonThe Rock

Hulk HoganHulk Hogan

Steve AustinStone Cold Steve Austin

Joe Anoa'iRoman Reigns

John CenaJohn Cena

Gene OkerlundGene Okerlund

Floyd BriscoGerald Brisco

Jim MorrisHillbilly Jim

Vince McMahonMr. McMahon

Bob BacklundBob Backlund

Robert RemusSgt. Slaughter

Kevin NashKevin Nash

Bruce PrichardBruce Prichard

Michael HickenbottomShawn Michaels

Scott HallRazor Ramon

Bret HartBret "The Hitman" Hart

Adam CopelandEdge