JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass

/ 10
72% relevante12 de nov. de 2021Documentário, História

1 hr 59 min

Elenco principal

Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi GoldbergSelf - Narrator (voice)
Donald Sutherland
Donald SutherlandSelf - Narrator (voice)
Oliver Stone
Oliver StoneSelf / Narrator (voice)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Self
David Talbot
David TalbotSelf
Cyril H. Wecht
Cyril H. WechtSelf
Henry C. Lee
Henry C. LeeSelf
Douglas Horne
Douglas HorneSelf
David Mantik
David MantikSelf
Brian Edwards
Brian EdwardsSelf
Lisa Pease
Lisa PeaseSelf
Richard Mahoney
Richard MahoneySelf
John R. Tunheim
John R. TunheimSelf
Deborah Conway
Deborah ConwaySelf
Philip Muehlenbeck
Philip MuehlenbeckSelf
John M. Newman
John M. NewmanSelf
James Gochenaur
James GochenaurSelf
Gary Aguilar
Gary AguilarSelf
