John Adams: Nixon in China

John Adams: Nixon in China

/ 10
100% relevante11 de mai. de 2019Música

2 hr 42 min

Elenco principal

Michael Mayes
Michael MayesRichard Nixon
Matthias Klink
Matthias KlinkMao Tse-tung
Katherine Manley
Katherine ManleyPat Nixon
Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod
Gan-ya Ben-gur AkselrodChiang Ch’ing
Shigeo Ishino
Shigeo IshinoHenry Kissinger
Jarett Ott
Jarett OttChou En-lai
Ida Ränzlöv
Ida RänzlövFirst Secretary to Mao
Fiorella Hincapié
Fiorella HincapiéSecond Secretary to Mao
Luise von Garnier
Luise von GarnierThird Secretary to Mao
